quick draw

machining and forming


deep drawing, hydroforming and stamping services

Quick Draw & Machining, Inc. offers decades of world class experience in metal forming processes including hydroforming, deep drawing, and stampings. All of our metal form tooling is engineered and made in-house for design manufacturing support throughout the project.

Our product showcase displays our range of forming ability utilizing a variety of metals (Stainless, Aluminum, Titanium, Inconel® etc.) and services all industries (Medical, Aerospace, Defense, Industrial). Learn more about each service below:

• Deep Drawing
• Hydroforming
• Precision Stamping
• Metal Forming
• Machining
• Passivation
• Chem-Film
• Anodizing

• Polishing
• Iridite
• Heat Treating
• Prototyping
• Fabrication
• Assembly
• Quality Management

to specifications

Since 1953 Quick Draw & Machining has focused on one thing – producing perfect parts built to our customer’s specifications. If you can imagine it, we can build it! We have over 70 years of experience in metal working and take pride in accomplishing difficult projects on time and to our customer’s satisfaction.

The latest equipment combined with our class-leading expertise allows us to work with various types of metal ranging from common stainless steel to more exotics and copper alloys. Our capabilities range from small parts (less than .025”) to greater than 50”.





The components supplied often find application in critical operations where failure is not an option, it is essential they feature high precision, accuracy, durability, and reliability to ensure they function as intended.



The components supplied often find application in critical operations where failure is not an option, it is essential they feature high precision, accuracy, durability, and reliability to ensure they function as intended.



We comply with stringent military specifications (Mil-Spec). Mil-Spec includes tight tolerances for dimensions of parts and the ability of equipment to withstand extreme ambient conditions in storage and in operation.



We comply with stringent military specifications (Mil-Spec). Mil-Spec includes tight tolerances for dimensions of parts and the ability of equipment to withstand extreme ambient conditions in storage and in operation.

metal forming

Metal forming is a catchall term for a wide variety of manufacturing processes that shape the metal by deforming it into the desired shape and geometry. A force is applied that exceeds the yield strength of the material. The end product is shaped without adding or removing material and its mass remains unchanged.

deep drawing

Deep drawing is a stamping process in which flat material is formed into a 3D shape through the use of a die press. We work with aluminum, steel, stainless steel, titanium, and nickel alloys, among others, to create a variety of hollow 3D shapes for the aerospace, medical, defense, OEM, and automotive industries.


Hydroforming is a unique process wherein a metal blank is formed using a pressurized bladder that forces the flat sheet into a die that is machined to be the negative of the part shape. Since the pressures forming the part are completely uniform, stresses are evenly distributed resulting in much lower maximum stresses.


We are a customer-centric company whose focus is on customer service, accuracy and quality. Our additional goals are aiding customers in the design phase, responsiveness to their needs and on-time delivery while maintaining the highest quality standards. Contact us today to find out how we can make your project a lot easier.

laser marking

Laser marking is a non-contact, permanent marking process that uses a laser beam to create marks on various materials. It involves directing a laser at the surface of a material, causing a change in appearance by altering its properties or creating visible contrasts.

finish machining

Quick Draw & Machining specializes in metal forming but also offers decades of machining expertise to finish orders. Our experience lends extensive knowledge in machining exotic or difficult materials such as copper beryllium, inconsistent alloys like Invar or stubborn materials such as Inconel.

tooling and dies

Laser marking is a non-contact, permanent marking process that uses a laser beam to create marks on various materials. It involves directing a laser at the surface of a material, causing a change in appearance by altering its properties or creating visible contrasts.

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